2621181029 6932216667 Ολυμπίων 36, Πυργος theodorakar@hotmail.com
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Pilates - Yoga - Aerial Yoga
Power Pilates Studio - Karamanis Theodora - TRX - Power Plate - Tabata - Reformers - Chairs - EMS - Pyrgos Ilias

Welcome to Power Pilates Studio, the advanced Pilates gym based in Pyrgos Ilias!



At Power Pilates Studio, we are dedicated to promoting wellness and dynamism through the Pilates method. We recognize the importance of physical and mental wellness and offer an advanced Pilates experience to help our clients achieve their goals. Our team consists of experienced Pilates instructors who are dedicated to providing a personalized approach for each client. Regardless of your level, our team will guide and inspire you to discover your body's strength and flexibility through the Pilates method.

At Power Pilates Studio, we offer a variety of programs to meet the needs and preferences of each client. Whether you want private lessons or group training, we are here for you. Our scheduled classes include different levels of difficulty so that both beginners and advanced enthusiasts can participate. We practice in a beautiful and pleasant space, offering an opportunity for you to disconnect from the stress of everyday life and focus on yourself. Our atmosphere is welcoming and friendly, offering a space where you can enjoy yourself and achieve your goals.







At Power Pilates Studio, we are dedicated to promoting wellness and mental harmony through the Yoga method. We recognize the importance of physical and mental well-being and offer a high-quality Yoga experience to help our clients achieve their goals. Our team consists of experienced Yoga instructors who are dedicated to providing a personalized approach for each client. Regardless of your level, our team will guide and inspire you to explore flexibility, strength and inner peace through the Yoga method.

At Power Pilates Studio, we offer a variety of programs to meet the needs and preferences of each client. Our scheduled classes include various levels of difficulty so that both beginners and advanced enthusiasts can participate. We practice in a warm, welcoming space that creates an atmosphere of calm and well-being. Here, you can leave behind the stress and noise of everyday life and focus on strengthening your body and spirit. Our atmosphere is friendly and supportive, creating a space where you can seek inner peace and harmony.






Aerial Yoga

At Power Pilates Studio, we practice the amazing method of Aerial Yoga, which allows you to discover the feeling of freedom and flexibility as you hang from specially designed fabrics. Aerial Yoga combines yoga with acrobatic dance and offers a unique fitness and wellness experience. At Power Pilates Studio, we have expert Aerial Yoga instructors who will guide you through exercises that strengthen the body, increase flexibility and enhance conscious breathing. Whether you are a beginner or experienced, our team will tailor the exercises to your needs and abilities to provide you with a safe and enjoyable experience.

At Power Pilates Studio, the safety and well-being of our clients is our priority. Our fabrics are of high quality and we always adhere to high hygiene standards. Our space is equipped with special non-slip floors and we offer individual fabrics for each client, ensuring a safe and comfortable environment for your practice.